Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Day-95.“Om Shri Sai Kamadhi Sarva- Agyana Dhwamsine Namaha.”

        Shirdi Sai Ashtotramala –Meaning, Meditation and Miracle 

  Day-95.“Om Shri Sai Kamadhi Sarva- Agyana Dhwamsine Namaha.”

Humble salutation to Him who destroys the six foes- Desire, Anger, Greed, Hatred, Pride and Lust. (Shirdi Sai Trust).

Seeking and identifying oneself to Brahmam, God or Guru, elevates the behavioural pattern of one to a higher level of social acceptance. The failure to seek and identify or the failure to realise that the Self in us is part of the Universal self, creates the individuality, ego and the desire. Desire is followed by the concept of possession and owning. Failure to own is followed by disappointment and anger. The temporary satisfaction on feeling of possession and ownership is followed by greed, which is replication of the temporary satisfaction of ownership. Disappointment due to inability to own creates frustration and hatred. Ownership without realising that any ownership is temporal (since the body is temporal), creates pride, followed by contempt for those who could not own and admiration or jealousy for those who own more.

 These sequences and states of psyche are effectively broken when one surrenders oneself to Brahmam, God or Guru and says,” I exist because of Him. Whatever I possess is part of the creation which is owned by the creator the Brahmam, God or Guru.”  While, surely for a practical day to day mundane life in this world the total abdication is not possible, the sincere effort to surrender to the Brahmam, God or Guru, effectively moderates the intensity of the feelings of possession. When a disappointment overtakes, it is possible to say easily,” He has not desired me to have it. Let His Will happen”. When an achievement is made, it is  possible to say easily,” It is all His blessings” and one doesn’t go overboard with pride and feel superior to the ones who have not achieved.  It appears one need not renounce all worldly life, go to a forest and do penance in a forest or ashram.  One can lead a normal life going through the ups and downs, but with an approach of total surrender to Brahmam God or Guru to make the journey comfortable.

Hemadpant writes in Shri Sai Satcharita:

“Baba’s words were always short, deep, full of meaning, effective and well-balanced.  He was ever content and never cared for anything.  He said, “Though I am a Fakir, have no house or wife, and though having all care, I stay at one place, the inevitable Maya teases Me often.  Though, I forgot Myself, but she cannot forget Me.  She always envelops Me.  This Maya (illusive power) of the Lord (Shri Hari) harasses even Lord Brahma and others, then what to speak of a poor Fakir, like Me?  Those, who take refuge in God, will be freed from Her clutches with His grace.

In such terms Baba spoke about the power of Maya.  Lord Shri Krishna has said to Uddhava in the Bhagwat that the saints are His living forms and see, what Baba said for the welfare of His devotees, “Those, who are fortunate and whose demerits have vanished, take to My worship.  If you always say “Sai, Sai”, I shall take you over the seven seas believe in these words, and you will certainly be benefitted.  I do not need any paraphernalia of worship – either eight fold or sixteen fold.  I rest there, where there is full devotion. (Shri Sai Satcharita Ch: 13).

He destroys the effects of Maya in the minds of devotees. He promised to take them across the seven seas (of the life) in response to their calls “Sai, Sai”.  He is Kamadhi Sarva- Agyana Dhwamsine.  

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