Thursday, 20 March 2014

Day-33. “Om Shri Sai Satchidatmane Namaha.”

 Shirdi Sai Ashtotramala – Meaning, Meditation and Miracle 

         Day-33. “Om Shri Sai Satchidatmane Namaha.”


My humble salutation to the one who is the Ultimate truth and consciousness.(Shirdi Sai Trust).


What is truth? Truth is the one which remains unchanged beyond time. Truth exists independently irrespective of time and circumstances.

“The colour of any leaf is green”.

This cannot be true in case, the leaf is very young or very old, or a red coloured leaf. Mount Everest was the highest peak of the world. This truth becomes false, when K2 was identified as being taller than Mt. Everest. The place where great Himalayas is there was once an Ocean. A whole species of giant Dinosaurs have become extinct and the truth is their existence to be derived from fossils and inferences. So will vanish today’s human race if substituted by a superior species in the process of evolution to survive or will become extinct. Oceans, rivers, mountains, living beings, all change with time and become non-existent and non truth. The one who continues to exist beyond the flow of time is ultimate Truth. The whole universe changes with time and hence it is Maya-just a manifestation of Brahmam which will exist till absorbed back into the Brahmam, the  Ultimate Truth. The Self in every one of us, continues to exist through births, till it merges into Brahmam. The Guru who is enlightened and is conscious of His Self through births is Brahmam and is Ultimate Truth itself.

Harish Chandra Pitale had a son, suffering from epilepsy. He tried all systems of medicines, without any cure. Finally, He, his wife and with their son went to Shirdi. Mr. Pitale placed his sick son at Baba’s Feet. No sooner did Baba see the child, and then an untoward thing happened. The son immediately rolled his eyes and fell down senseless. His mouth began to foam and his whole body began to perspire profusely, and it seemed as if he was breathing his last. Tears began to flow ceaselessly from the mother’s eyes and she began to wail.

Baba comforted her saying,” Do not wail like this, wait a bit, have patience, take the boy to your lodgings, he will come to his senses within half an hour”. They did as directed by Baba and found that, His words came true. As soon as he was taken into the wada, the boy recovered and all the Pitale family, and others were very happy, and all their doubts disappeared.

Then Mr. Pitale went with his wife to see Baba and prostrated himself before Him. Baba then smilingly said,” Have not all your thoughts, doubts and apprehensions calmed down now? Hari (Lord) will protect him, who has got faith and patience”.

After passing some happy days in Baba’s company, the Pitale family came to the Masjid to take Baba’s leave to depart. Baba gave them Udi and blessings and called Mr. Pitale close to him and said,” Bapu, I had given you Rs.two before, now I give you Rs. Three; keep these in your shrine for worship and you will be benefitted”. Mr. Pitale accepted these as Prasad, prostrated himself again before Baba and prayed for His blessings. A thought arose in his mind that, as this was his first visit to Shirdi, he could not understand what Baba meant, when He said that He had given Rs two previously. He was curious to have this mystery solved; but Baba kept silent. When Mr. Pitale returned to Mumbai, he narrated to his old mother, all that had happened at Shirdi and the mystery about Baba’s giving him Rs.two earlier. The mother also did not understand the mystery but thinking seriously about this, she was reminded of an old incident, which solved the mystery. She said to her son,” As you now went to Sai Baba with your son, so had your father done, when he took you to Akkalkot for the darshan of the Maharaj there, many years ago. That Maharaj was also a Siddha, protect Yogi, Omniscient and gracious. Your father was devout and his worship was accepted. He then gave your father Rs.two for being kept in the shrine and worshipped. Your father worshipped them till his death; but thereafter the worship was neglected and the rupees were lost. After some years the memory of these two rupees also disappeared and now, you are very fortunate, the Akkalkot Maharaj has appeared to you in the form of Sai Baba just to remind you of your duties and worship to ward off all dangers.( Shri Sai Satcharita-Cha-26).

He exists irrespective of time, and conscious of His Self through births. He exists as Ultimate Truth.  He is Satchidatman.

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