Sai Ashtotramala –Meaning, Meditation and Miracle
Day -84. “Om Shri Sai Bhaskara Prabhaya Namaha.”
Humble salutation to Him, who shines
brilliantly like the Sun. (Shirdi Sai Trust).
epic war between Ram and Ravana was about to begin. The great Rishi Agasthiyar
rendered the Aditya Hrudaya Sthothram, eulogising The Sun, from whom Lord Ram’s ancestors
descended. Aditya Hrudaya Sthothram, which is a spiritual presentation of the
immense cosmic knowledge of our sages says:
“sarva devatmako hyesha tejasvi
rashmi-bhavanah |
esha devasura gananlokan pati gabhastibhih || 7
esha devasura gananlokan pati gabhastibhih || 7
Indeed, He is the very embodiment of
all Gods. He is self-luminous and sustains all with his rays. He nourishes and
energizes the inhabitants of all the worlds as well as the host of Gods and
demons by his Rays.
esha brahma
cha vishnush cha shivah skandah prajapatihi |
mahendro dhanadah kalo yamah somo hyapam patihi || 8
mahendro dhanadah kalo yamah somo hyapam patihi || 8
He is Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Skanda,
Prajapati, the mighty Indra, Kubera, Kala (eternal time), Yama, Soma (the moon
god that nourishes), and Varuna (the lord of sea and ocean).
Like the high voltage electricity has to be brought
down safely to the domestic use, for those who want to see God in a physical
form, Sun is the small visible manifestation, though Brahmam, God or Guru is
infinitely more powerful. We, humans, originated on Earth, which originated
from the Sun (Brahma) and maintained by the Sun (Vishnu) and after 5 billion
years will be engulfed by the expanding Sun (Shiva). Every type of activity of
activity, and energy in this planet is due to sun except for a very small cosmic
radiation coming from the outer galaxies in cosmos.
This is the reason Sun is identified as as Brahma, the
creator, Vishnu the one who maintains and Siva one who absorbs back and
conceals before manifestation again in Aditya Hrudaya Sthothram. It is so
amazing that present day science, studying the cosmos with all its radio
telescopes and particle accelerators converges into the understanding of cosmic
manifestation by our sages.
The devotee who identifies himself with the Brahmam,
God, or Guru realizes the Brahmam God or Guru in all its glory with infinite
and immense power and brilliance, of which Sun is just a small manifestation. He
feels enlightened, energized and enjoys great bliss. Whenever he meditates he
sees the Brhamam God or Guru in the form of divine light internally.
“Baba said that He was Omnipresent, transcending land,
air, world, light and heaven, and that he was not localized. To remove the
misunderstanding of those who thought that, Baba was only His body-three cubits
and a half in length, He incarnated Himself in this Form, and if any devotee
meditated on Him, day and night, with complete self surrender, he experienced
complete union with Him, like sweetness and sugar, waves and sea, eye and its
sight. He who wants to get rid of the
cycle of births and deaths, should lead a righteous life with his mind calm and
composed. He should not speak harshly to anyone, so as to hurt him. He should always engage himself in good
actions, should do his be afraid of anything.
He, who trusts Him entirely, hears and expounds His Leelas and does not
think of anything else, is sure to attain self realization. Baba asked many to remember His name and to
surrender to Him but to those who wanted to know who they were, (“Who am I”) He
advised Shravan (study) and Manan (Contemplation). To some, He advised remembering God’s name,
to others, hearing His Leelas, to some worship of His Feet to others, reading
and studying Adhyatma Ramayan, Dhyaneshwari and other sacred scriptures. Some, He made sit near His Feet, some He sent
to Khandoba’s temple and some, He advised the repetition of thousand names of Vishnu, and some, the study of Chandogya
Upanishad and Gita. There was neither
any limit, nor any restriction to His instructions. He gave in person or by visions and
dreams. To someone addicted to drink, He
appeared in his dream, sat on his chest, pressed it and left him after he gave
a promise, not to touch the liquor anymore.
To some He explained some Mantras, like “Gurur Brahma” in dreams. To some devotee, who was practicing Hath
Yoga, He sent word that, he should leave off Hath Yoga practices, sit quiet and
wait (Saburi)! It is impossible to
describe all His ways and methods.”(Shri Sai Satcharita Ch:18 & 19)
He is Omnipresent, radiating kindness, energy, life
and hope for all His devotees. He is the
manifestation of Brahmam and God in human form at Shirdi. He is Bhaskara Prabhaya.
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