Shirdi Sai Ashtotramala –Meaning,
Meditation and Miracle
Day-106 – “Om Shri Sai Sarvaa Bheeshta Pradhaya Namaha.”
Day-106 – “Om Shri Sai Sarvaa Bheeshta Pradhaya Namaha.”
salutation to Him who fulfils all legitimate wishes of His devotees (Shirdi Sai Trust).
are endless and the fulfilment of a want generates one or more other
wants. This is the view of not only
philosophers but also eminent economists. The child in the womb needs nutrition
and care from the mother. The wants and
needs that started from the mother’s womb continue in one or many forms
throughout our lives as long as we live. For some of those who relinquish by
heart, the want is Liberation from wants after death. For those who are not so lucky, the will they
leave behind indicates their wants after death like even the disposal of the
and wishes are natural to the Self which has come from its original Universal
Self to experience the manifestation by the Brahmam, God or Guru. Controlled desire is thus a nature in
ourselves and need not be discouraged as this is the motivation for life. While some schools of thought perceived
“desire” as a totally renounceable one from the beginning, our great Rishis and
Sages perceived “desire” is to be renounced only in the fourth and final stage
of life which is Sanyasam after leading a dharmic life in the earlier three
stages of Brahmacharyam, Grahastham and Vanaprastham. Desires, such as the
desire of knowledge in Brahmacharyam, desire of children Grahastham, desire for
spiritual development and Mukthi during Vanaprastham were considered as essential
and desirable and not as “sin” by our Sages.
That is the reason for God or Guru granting the “boons” to a devotee and
fulfilling the thirst for experiences of the manifestation by his Self before
returning to the Universal Self in the through Mukthi or Liberation. The fulfilment completes the purpose of
entering the cycle of births and deaths. But these experiences always have up
and down sides reminding the self of its origin and encouraging it to find and
seek and merge into the Brahmam, God or Guru where it belongs. The devotee who
seeks to fulfil his desires with the awareness of Brahmam, God or Guru goes
through the controlled desires in the first three stages, gets fulfilment
blessed by Brahmam God or Guru and renounces all in the fourth stage to go back
through realisation of Self as Brahmam, God or Guru.
When Hemadpant (The dedicated
devotee-author of Shri Sai Satcharita) asked Baba’s permission to write the
Satcharita Baba said:
“If My Leelas are written the
Avidya (nascence) will vanish and if they attentively and devoutly listened to,
the consciousness of the worldly existence will abate and strong waves of
devotion and love will rise up and if one dives deep in to My Leelas, he would
get precious jewels of knowledge”.
He further said, “If a man
utters My name with love, I shall fulfil all his wishes, increase his devotion.
And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall be set in front and
back and on all sides. Those devotees,
who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally feel happiness, when
they hear these stories. Believe Me
that, if anybody sings My Leelas, I will give him infinite joy and everlasting
contentment. It is My special
characteristic to free any person, who surrenders completely to Me, and who
worships Me faithfully, and who remembers Me and meditates on Me constantly.
How can they be conscious of worldly objects and sensations, who utter My name,
who worship Me, who think of My stories and My life, and who thus, always
remember Me! I shall draw out My devotees from the jaws of death. If My stories are listened to, all diseases
will be got rid of. So, hear My stories
with respect, and think and meditate on them, assimilate them. This is the way of happiness and contentment.
The pride and egoism of My devotees will vanish, the mind of the hearers will
be set at rest; and if he has whole hearted and complete faith, he will be one
with Supreme Consciousness. The simple remembrance of My name as “Sai, Sai” will
do away with sins of speech and hearing” (Shri Sai Satcharita-Ch: 3).
Temples all over the world are the beautiful tributes and show of gratitude by
the millions of devotees whose prayers have been answered and fulfilled by
Him. He brings back to life even a dried tulsi
plant when the devotee prays to Him intensely with total devotion. He is Sarvaa Bheeshta Pradhaya.
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