Sai Ashtotramala –Meaning, Meditation and Miracle
Day-102- “Om Shri Sai Samsara Sarva Dukhakshaya Karaya Namaha.”
Humble salutation to Him who rids of all pains
arising out of worldly life” (Shirdi
Sai Trust).
cancellation of an important order in the business, Failure in an exam, diagnosis
of a terminal disease, the loss of a very close member of the family or friend,
or a natural disaster and so on –life
continuously gives many shocks and surprises to every one of us that may shake
and threaten our very existence and values. There is almost no one who can
boast of having never come across such shocks. May be the intensity of pain and
suffering vary from one individual to another. The one who is capable of
absorbing the shock, come out soon and march on in life, succeeds. The biggest
challenge such shocks pose is the very acceptance of the situation. The one who
accepts the situation at the earliest, is easily prepared to analyse and move
on for the better handling of the future. The capacity to accept an unavoidable
painful happening is greatly increased by the devotion to Brahmam, God or Guru
on whom the cause of happening is shifted.” Let thy will happen”. These four
words, shift the burden of acceptance to the Brahmam, God or Guru and the
devotee immediately gets the strength to move on into the future. The Brahmam,
God or Guru thus becomes effective in getting rid of the pains and be the guide
and future actions of the devotee. Having overcome the pain through his intense
faith on Guru, the devotee feels strong and ready to march on with his worldly
life. He is prepared for the future ups and downs in life having said,” Let thy
will happen”.
Narayan Ambadekar of Poona was a devotee of Baba. He served for ten years in the Abkari
department in the Thana district and in Javhar state, from where he had to
retire. He tried to get some other job
but he did not succeed. He was overtaken
by other calamities and his condition grew from bad to worse. He passed 7 years in this condition, visiting
Shirdi every year and placing his grievance before Baba. In 1916 his plight became worse and he
decided to commit suicide in Shirdi. So
he came there with his wife and stayed for two months. One night while sitting in a bullock cart in
front of Dixit Wada, he resolved to end his life by throwing himself into a
well close by. But Baba wished to do
something else. A few paces from this
place there was a hotel and its proprietor Mr.Sagun, a devotee of Baba came out
and accosted him thus: “Did you ever read Akkalkot Maharaj’s life?” Ambadekar
took this book from Sagun and began to read it.
Casually, or we may say providentially he came across a story, which was
to this effect, during the lifetime of Akkalkot Maharaj, a certain devotee
suffered from an incurable disease and when he could no longer endure the agony
and pain, he became desperate and in order to end his miseries threw himself one night into
a well. Immediately, the Maharaj came
there and took him out with his own hands and advised him thus: “You must bear
the fruit- good or bad – of your past actions; if it is incomplete, suicide
won’t help you. You have to take another
birth and suffer again; so instead of killing yourself, why not suffer for some
time and finish up the fruits of your past deeds and be done with it once and
for all?”
this appropriate and timely story, Ambadekar was much surprised, and
moved. Had he not got Baba’s hint
through the story, he would have been no more.
On seeing Baba’s all pervasiveness and benevolence, his faith in Him was
confirmed and he became a staunch devotee.
His father was a devotee of Akkalkot Maharaj and Sai Baba wanted him to
walk in his father’s footsteps and continue his devotion to Him. He then got Sai Baba’s blessings and his
prospects began to improve. He studied
astrology and gained proficiency in it, and thereby improved his lot. He was able to earn sufficient money and
passed his later-life in ease and comfort.
(Shri Sai Satcharita Ch. 26)
knows the pains and sufferings of His devotees and allows them to finish up the
fruits of their past life. He takes care of them by mitigating their pains of
the worldly life when needed and blesses them with happiness. He is Sansara Sarva Dukhakshaya Karaya.
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