Monday, 17 March 2014

Day - 13: “Om Shri Sai Kaala Dharpa Dhamanaaya Namaha”

       Shirdi Sai Ashtotramala – Meaning, Meditation and Miracle
     Day - 13: “Om Shri Sai Kaala Dharpa Dhamanaaya Namaha”

Humble salutation to the one who subdued the ferocity and Pride of Time (or death).


Baba entered Maha Samadhi on 15th October; 1918.There may not be any one living today who had seen Baba in His physical form. (The one who was 5 years old during Baba’s Maha Samadhi should be 100 year old in 2012!).Defying almost 100 years after his Maha Samadhi   Baba’s devotees are ever increasing today. He is going to many new cultures, new languages, new countries, and new temples.  With the flow of time, his memories get stronger and stronger.  Shirdi the small unknown village in the Kopargaon Taluk of Ahmad Nagar District   has become a major destination in the map of Holy places in India. Baba’s name is known to more and more. .Shirdi Sai Baba’s Mandir seen in web all over the world.
 The great power of time has bowed before Baba. Is this His power over time?
Once Baba was sitting in the Masjid, a devotee sat in front of Him, When a Lizard tick- ticked. Out of curiosity the devotee asked Baba whether the tick-ticking of the lizard signified anything good or was it a bad omen. Baba said that the lizard was overjoyed as her sister from Aurangabad was coming to see her. The devotee sat silent not making out the meaning of Baba’s words. Immediately a gentleman from Aurangabad came on horse-back to see Baba. He wanted to proceed further, but his horse could not go as it was hungry and wanted grams. He took out a bag of grams from his shoulders to bring grams and dashed it on the ground to remove dirt. A lizard came out from there and in the presence of all, climbed up the wall. Baba asked the questioner devotee to mark her well. She at once, went strutting to her sister. Both sisters met each other after a long time, kissed and embraced each other, whirled round and danced with love!( Shri Sai Satcharita Ch:15).               
Yes, Baba moved freely across time, vanquishing the great limitation of time.
Having decided the time His Maha Samadhi, Baba asked one Mr.Vaze to read Ramvijay to Him for 14 days. Thereafter He kept quiet for three more days and took His Maha Samadhi. He chose His time for shedding the body and was alert till the end and breathed His last after telling that He be taken to the place where His Samadhi is now.( Shri Sai Satcharita Ch:43 & 44)
 He had the power to be in future, having control over Time.  His devotees experience His blessings even through miracles, even today, nearing a century after His Mahasamadhi, as He lives beyond death. He is Kaala Dharpa Dhamanaaya   

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