Shirdi Sai Ashtotramala – Meaning,
Meditation and Miracle
Day -59. “Om Shri Sai Trilokeshu Avigata Ghataye Namaha.”
Humble salutation to the one who has no
impediments in all the three worlds. (Shirdi Sai Trust).
What is
Heaven? What is Hell?
they are located?
talking about heaven, we point our finger upwards as if Heaven and God are in the
upward direction somewhere in the sky. We refer to Hell as if it is somewhere
in the downward direction, below the Earth.
We have
been told Heaven is a place where everything is good, and you enjoy everlasting
happiness. We have been told Hell is a place where everything is bad and you
suffer everlasting pain.
If heaven
is in upward direction, which is up and which is down in the great cosmic
space? There is neither up nor down in Astronomical measurements. They all
become relative to our position- where
we stand on Earth while talking about Heaven or Hell. The up of one
person on the Globe becomes the down for the person on the opposite side of the
where are real Heaven, and real Hell?
appears and reasonable that the Heaven and Hell are the experiences or state of
emotions of the Self in us. When our elders say that by doing good you will go
to Heaven, probably what is really meant was that by doing good we enjoy a
happiness that is Heaven. By doing bad ultimately our Self will be forced to
experience the consequences- a pain that is Hell. The Self that is realised, is
part of Brahmam God or Guru who is not attached to pleasures and pains of the
world. It is always in permanent bliss which is its nature and thus not
affected by Heaven, Earth or Hell, the Swargalog, Boolog or Pathal Log. It is beyond
the Gunas of the three worlds, Happiness achievements, failures and struggles
of the World and the pains of the Hell. The devotee who surrender to the
Brahmam, God or Guru becomes part of their nature, enjoys bliss still going through
the motions of the world unaffected.
Das Ganu
Maharaj was once doing his Kirtan and singing the glory of Sai Baba, in the
Koupineshwar temple in Thana. One Mr. Cholkar a poor man, serving as a
temporary employee in the civil courts in Thana, was serving amongst the audience.
He heard Das Ganu’s kirtan most attentively and was much moved. He there and
then, mentally bowed and vowed to Baba saying, “Baba I am a poor man, unable to
support my family. If by your grace, I pass the departmental examination and
get a permanent post, I shall go to Shirdi, fall at your feet and distribute
sugar candy in your name”. As luck would
have it, Mr.Cholkar did pass the examination and did get the permanent post,
and now it remained for him to fulfil his vow, the sooner the better. Mr.Cholkar was a poor man with a large
family to support and he could not afford to pay the expenses of a Shirdi trip.
As Mr.Cholkar was anxious to fulfil his vow as early as possible, he resolved
to cut down his expenses and save money.
He determined not to use sugar in his diet and began to take tea without
it. After he was able to save some money in this way, he came to Shirdi, took
Baba’s darshan, fell at His feet, offered a coconut, distributed it with a
clean conscience along with sugar candy, and said to Baba that he was much
pleased with his darshan and his desires were fulfilled that day. Mr.Cholkar
was in the Masjid with his host Bapusaheb Jog.
When the host and the guest got up and about to leave the Masjid, Baba
spoke to Jog as follows, “Give him (your guest) cup of tea fully saturated with
sugar”. Hearing these significant words
Mr.Cholkar was much moved, he was wonderstruck, his eyes were bedewed with
tears and he fell at Baba’s feet again. Mr. Jog was also curious about this
direction. Baba wanted by His words to
create faith and devotion in Cholkar’s mind.
He hinted as it were that, he got the sugar candy as per his vow and
that he knew fully well his secret determination not to use sugar in his diet. Baba meant to say “If you spread your palms
with devotion before Me, I am immediately with you, day and night. Though I am here physically, still I know
what you do beyond the seven seas. Go
wherever you wish, over the wide world, I am with you. My abode is in your
heart and I am within you. Always
worship Me, who is seated in your heart as well as in the hearts of all beings.
Blessed and fortunate indeed is he, who knows Me thus.”
He is in
our heart and in all the three worlds, which we experience through our heart
and Conscience. He is Nirgun, unaffected, ever enjoying Supreme bliss. HeisTrilokeshuAvidhayaGhataye.
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