Sai Ashtotramala –Meaning, Meditation and Miracle
Day -86. “Om Shri Sai Satya Dharma Parayanaya Namaha.”
Humble salutation to Him, who embodies Truth,
and Righteousness. (Shirdi Sai Trust).
all understand Dharma as religion, righteousness, or duty. But the attribute
Dharma associated with the word is encompasses the order of any entity. Every
atom in this manifestation of Brahmam, God or Guru has a Dharma. The Dharma of
sun is to rise in the east, give light and heat and set by night. The Dharma of
moon is to give light in the night and vanish once in a month and come again
and wax to a full moon. The Dharma of stars is to appear in the night be at a
distance from earth and twinkle and be fixed in the cosmic dome. The teacher,
the shishya, the police, the criminal, the student, the husband the wife, the Guru, the doctor, the patient – everyone one have a role to suit
their definition and when they play that role they are ‘Dharmic’, otherwise
they are ‘ adharmic’. But what is the Dharma for “Brahmam, God or Guru? The
universal Self transcend the time and space. Thus, while the manifestations
cannot be truth or Satyam, the Brahmam, God or Guru is Satyam” or truth or
eternal independent of time. The devotee,
after experiencing the joys, sorrows, ups and downs of life and realises the temporary
limited untruths of life ultimately differentiates, the one eternal permanent
truth, the Brahmam, God or Guru. He sees the Brahmam, God or Guru in whatever
form he identified as the embodiment of truth, the Dharma of his own self. He
enjoys uninterrupted truth and permanent bliss on surrendering and
the first advent of Saibaba in Shirdi, Hemadpant writes in Ch 4 of Sai
Krishna says in Bhagvad Gita (Ch IV, 7-8), that, “Whenever there is a decay of
Dharma(Righteousness) and ascendency of unrighteousness, I manifest Myself, for
the protection of the virtuous and the destruction of the vicious; and for the
establishment of
righteousness, I manifest Myself age after age”. This is the mission of the Lord and the sages
and saints, who are His representatives, and who appear at appropriate times
and work in their own way to fulfil the mission. For instance, when the twice
born , i.e., Brahmins, Kshatriyas and the Vaishyas neglect their duties, and
when the Shudras try to usurp the duties of other classes, when spiritual
preceptors are not respected but humiliated, when nobody cares for religious
instructions, when everybody thinks himself very learned, when people begin to
partake of forbidden foods and intoxicating drinks, when under the cloak of
religion people indulge in malpractices, when people belonging to different
sects fight amongst themselves, when Brahmins fail to do Sandhya
adorations, and the orthodox leave their
religious practices, when yogis neglect their meditation, when people begin to
think that, wealth, progeny, wife are
their sole concern; and thus, turn away from the true path of salvation
then, saints appear and try to set matters right by their words and
actions. They serve us as beacon lights
and show us the path, and the right way for us to follow. In this way, many saints viz.,
Nivrutti,Dayandev, Muktabai, Namdev, Gora, Gonayi, Ekanath, Tukaram, Narahari,
Narsi Bhai, Sajan Kasai, Sawata, Ramdas and various others did appear at
various times to show the right path to the people, and so, the present advent
came as Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. (Shri Sai SatCharita Ch:IV).
manifested Himself to show us the Dharma of Unity of God and universality of
Love for all beings. He is Satya Dharma
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