Thursday, 20 March 2014

Day-30. “Om Shri Sai Priyaya Namaha.”

         Shirdi Sai Ashtotramala – Meaning, Meditation and Miracle
                           Day-30. “Om Shri Sai Priyaya Namaha.”
Humble salutation to the Master who is dear to His devotees. (Shirdi Sai Trust).
He becomes the focus of all our thoughts. Whatever we do we do it in His name. Whatever be our words, we think whether this is in accordance with our love for Him. When we get up we remember Him, when the first drop of water falls on our head from the shower we mention His name, when we start our work, we take up His name. When we go to bed, we again seek His blessings.
This is the way a true devotee lives. It is not necessary that the devotee leaves His worldly life. It is not necessary that the devotee loses his focus on all world matters. As on Industrialist, Teacher, Accountant, Engineer, Manager, the devotee still excels in his field, but he feels the presence of the God or Guru who is his dear to Him is always with Him. In his heart the devotee feels the closeness of his God or Guru and is always cool, happy and extremely effective. This is the effect of the God, or Guru as ‘Priya’ in the true sense.
One of Baba’s great devotee’s who spent his entire life in Shirdi after having darshan of Baba was Kakasaheb Dixit. He was a solicitor practicing in Mumbai. Before 1909, Sai Baba’s name was not familiar to Kakasaheb, but after that he soon became His great devotee. While he was staying at Lonavla, he happened to see his old friend, Mr. Nanasaheb Chandorkar. Both spent some time in talking about many things. Kakasaheb described to him while he was boarding a train in London, he met with an accident in which his foot slipped and was injured. Hundreds of remedies gave him no relief. Nanasaheb then told him that if he wished to get rid of the pain and lameness of his leg, he should go to his Sadguru- Sai Baba. He also gave him all the particulars of Sai Baba and mentioned to him Sai Baba’s dictum, “ I draw to Me My man from far off of even across the seven seas, like a sparrow with a string fastened to its feet”. He also made it clear to him that, if he was not Baba’s man, he would not be attracted to Him and given darshan. Kakasaheb was pleased to hear all this and said to Nanasaheb that he would go to Baba, see Him and pray to Him to cure not so much his lame leg, but bring round his lame, fickle mind and gave him eternal Bliss.
After coming Shirdi and getting Baba’s darshan, Kakasaheb’s heart melted, his eyes were full of tears and his heart was overflowing with joy. Baba said to him that He was also waiting for him, and had sent Shama ahead to receive him.
Kakasaheb then passed many happy years in Baba’s company. He built a Wada in Shirdi, which he made, more or less, his permanent home. The experience, he got from Baba, are so manifold.( Saileela Vol 12 No6-9)  Baba had comforted him by saying that in the end,” He will take him in  air coach (Viman)”, (i,e,secure him a happy death). This came out true. On the 5th July, 1926, he was travelling in the train with Hemadpant and talking about Baba. He seemed deeply engrossed in Sai Baba. All of a sudden he threw his neck on Hemadpant’s shoulder, and breathed his last with no trace of pain or uneasiness.
Baba’s devotees love Him, and identify themselves with Him. They experience the power of love for Him from the depth of their heart. This power carries them through their journey of life with peace, contentment and happiness, till the end. He is “Priyaya”.

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