Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Day -89. “Om Shri Sai Yogeshwaraya Namaha.”

          Shirdi Sai Ashtotramala –Meaning, Meditation and Miracle

                  Day -89. “Om Shri Sai Yogeshwaraya Namaha.”


Humble salutation to Him who is the Lord of yoga. (Shirdi Sai Trust).


Many of us understand and perceive “Asana” or “Hatha Yoga” (a part of” Yoga”) as Yoga itself. Hatha Yoga relates just to a part of Yoga known as Asana which cultivates and prepares the body for the spiritual journey which is Yoga. The physical well being and fitness is a by product which has been very well commercially exploited in some economically developed societies. While Asana or Hatha yoga is one of the eight stages of a yogi’s development, Yoga by itself, in its full sense refers to the process of uniting the Self to where it belongs, the Universal self that resides within us and pervades the creation and beyond. There are apparently different Yoga routes to this Unity. Karma Yoga or the path of dedicated action, Gnana Yoga or the path of inquisitive knowledge, Bhakthi Yoga or the path of total surrender, Kundalini Yoga or the path of raising the cosmic power within the body, Mantra Yoga or path of  uniting with the cosmic vibrations through sonic vibrations or Mantras.  Though these paths seem to be different, on a further analysis we can easily see their unity and oneness. They all aim at and indicate the status in which the self unites with its whole, the universal self that we understand as Brahmam God or Guru. The root of the word Yoga is “Yuj” which means unity.  That is to unite our limited “self “- being attached to the temporal  body which is limited by space and time-to the unlimited Universal Self-transcending space and time-unlimited eternal nature. Raja Yoga which encompasses all these paths into one- lists eight stages namely, Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Prathyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. The final stage is thoughtfully and beautifully called Samadhi (Sama Adhi) meaning the Yogi reaching the final stage becoming equal to the Beginning (Brahmam God or Guru) itself. The first three stages of Raja Yoga relate to the material body, the fourth to the body and mind, and the last four stages relate only to the mind and Self. Raja Yoga prepares the body to cooperate with the Self through cultivation of mind and vibrate in the same cosmic rhythm to attain Samadhi. The devotee who has reached this stage virtually becomes Yogeshwara or Lord of unity i.e., Brahmam God or Guru.

“Baba knew all the processes and practice of Yoga. Two of them will be described here.

1-DHAUTI KRIYA OR CLEANSING PROCESS: Every third day, Baba went to the well near the Banyan tree, at a considerable distance from the Masjid washed His mouth and had a bath.  On one occasion, He was seen throwing up His intestines, clean them inside outside and place them on a Jamb tree for drying.  There are people in Shirdi, who have actually seen this and who have testified to this fact.  Ordinary Dhauti is done by a moistened piece of linen, 3 inches broad 221/2  ft long.  This piece is gulped down the throat and allowed to remain in the stomach for about half an hour for being reacted there and then taken out.  But Baba’s Dhauti was quite unique and extraordinary.

2-KHANDA YOGA: In this practice Baba extracted the limbs from His body and left them separately at different places in the Masjid.  Once a gentleman went to the Masjid and saw the limbs of Baba lying in separate places.  He was terrified, he first thought of running to the village officers and informing them of Baba being hacked to pieces and murdered.  He thought that perhaps he would be held responsible, as he was the first informant and knew something of the affair. So he kept silent.  But next day when he went to the Masjid, he was very much surprised to see Baba, hale and hearty as before.  He thought that what he had seen the previous day was only a dream.

Baba practiced Yoga since His infancy and nobody knew or guessed the proficiency He had attained in it.  He charged no fees for His cures became renowned and famous by virtue of His merits, gave health to many a poor and suffering person.  This famous Doctor of doctors cared not for His interests, but always worked for the good and welfare of others, Himself suffering unbearable and terrible pain many a time in the process.  (Shri Sai Satcharita Ch: 7)

 A Mahan Yogi living always in a state of Samadhi in Shirdi, even today, close to His devotees.  He is Yogeshwaraya.                                                                                                     

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