Sai Ashtotramala –Meaning, Meditation and Miracle
Day -94. “Om Shri Sai SatyaTatwa Bodhakaaya Namaha.”
salutation to Him who teaches
the principles of Truth. (Shirdi Sai Trust).
the importance and absoluteness of the entity we call as “Time” Hinduism gave
the same name to Time and God. “Kaal” meant both Time and Lord Shiva, who
manifests the creation, maintains, absorbs, conceals and manifests. The frame
of reference of any creation is time. Existence of living and non living things
from atomic particle to galaxies is measured in terms of time. If existence is
truth, Satyam, then non existence is absence of truth. Our scriptures emphasise
the temporal nature of the whole creation and found that they are all without exception
change, may be over billions of years, but certainly change. Any statement that
changes with time is not absolute truth. It may be true for that particular
period. The concept Brahmam, God or Guru, is based on the power of the Brahmam,
God or Guru, to be independent of time and thus becoming absolute truth, Satyam.
The Self which has no death, and is part of the universal Self, goes from birth
to birth independent of time and is immortal. It is truth and thus our scriptures
say.” Aham Brahmasmi”. The one who can transcend time truly realising and
invoking the power of self is absolute truth and thus becomes Brahmam, God or
Guru, which is Satyam, the absolute truth. What happens to time? With
manifestation the time starts and with absorption time stops. The frontiers of science today, trying to
understand the entity of time is just at the door steps of this realisation.
in Shri Sai Satcharita narrates an incident of how to get Brahma Gnan:
was a rich gentleman (unfortunately his name and whereabouts are not mentioned), who was very
prosperous in his life. He had amassed a large quantity of wealth, houses and
lands, and had a many servants and dependents.
When Baba’s fame reached his ears he said to a friend of his that was not in want of anything, and so, he would
go to Shirdi and ask Baba give him Brahma gnyan which if he got , would
certainly make him more happy. His
friend dissuaded him, saying,” It is not easy to know Brahma and especially so
for an avaricious man like you, who is always engrossed in wealth, wife and
children. Who will in your quest of
Brahma gnyan satisfy you, who does not give away even a paisa in charity?” Not minding his friend’s advice the fellow
engaged a return journey Tonga and came to Shirdi. He went to the Masjid, saw Saibaba fell at
His feet and said, “Baba, hearing that, you show Brahma to all who come to you,
I too have come here all the way from my distant place. I am much fatigued by the journey and if I
get Brahma gnyan from You, my troubles will be well paid and rewarded”. Baba then, replied, “Oh, my dear friend do
not be anxious, I shall show you Brahma.
Saying this Baba started to show him Brahma. He made him sit there and engaged him in some
other talk and thus, made him forget his question for the time being. Then he
called a boy and told him to go to one Nandu Marwadi and get from him a loan of
Rupees Five. The boy left and returned immediately, saying that Nandu was
absent and his house was locked. Then,
Baba asked him to go to Bala grocer and get from him the said loan. This time also the boy was unsuccessful. This experiment was repeated again twice or
thrice with the same result.
Baba seemed to have adopted this procedure as a test
for the seeker of Brahma. That gentleman
had a roll or bundle of currency notes in his pockets and if he was really
earnest he would not have sat quiet and be a mere onlooker when Baba was
frantically trying to get a paltry sum of Rupees Five. Still he could not make up his mind and
advance the sum.
Such a man wanted from, Baba, the greatest thing in
the world, viz., the Brahma gnyan! Any
other man who really loved Baba would have given to Baba Rs.Five at once,
instead of being a mere on looker. It
was otherwise with this man. He advanced
no money nor did he sit silent but began to be impatient, as he was in a haste
to return and implored Baba, saying, “Oh Baba, please give me Brahma gnyan
soon!” Baba replied,” Oh my dear friend
did you not understand all the procedure that I went through, sitting in this
place for enabling you to see Brahma? It
is in short this: for seeing Brahma one has to give five things, i.e.,
surrender five things, viz., 1-five Pranas (Vital forces), 2-five senses,
3-mind, 4-intellect and 5-ego. This path
of Brahma gnyan or self realization is as hard as treading on the edge of a
Sai Baba then gave a long discourse on the subject.
After the dissertation was over, Baba turned to the
gentleman and said, “Well sir, there is in your pocket the Brahma in form of 50
times of five (Rs.250/-) rupees, please take that out”. The gentleman took out from his pocket the
bundle of currency notes, and to his great surprise, found on counting them,
that there were 25 notes of 10 rupees each.
Seeing this omniscience of Baba, he was moved and fell at Baba’s feet
and craved for His blessings. Then Baba
said to him, “Roll up your bundle of Brahma, viz., currency notes. Unless you completely got rid of your avarice
you will not get the real Brahma……..My treasury is full and I can give anyone
what he wants, but I have to see, whether he is qualified to receive My
gift. If you listen to me carefully, you
will be certainly benefitted. While
sitting in this Masjid, I never speak any untruth.”(Shri Sai Satcharita-Ch: 16
& 17).
Great truths were taught in simple and effective way
in that small Masjid in Shirdi by that Great Guru. He is Sathya
Tatwa Bodhakaaya.
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