Sai Ashtotramala –Meaning, Meditation and Miracle
Day -92. “Om Shri Sai SatPurushaya Namaha.”
Humble salutation to Him who
is pious, virtuous and venerable. (Shirdi Sai Trust).
of us have visited the Taj Mahal, so beautiful, so magnificent inspiring thrill
and awe. Sitting on the banks of river
Yamuna Taj inspires millions according to their background and knowledge. It
gives a great feeling of love for the young reminding the depth of love a king
had for his wife. It inspires great admiration for the architects who
understand the architectural grandeur and the symmetry and the diversion in the
symmetry to nullify the effects of optical illusion. The Engineers wonder at
the foundation and base made of tens of thousands of tons of wood which
maintains the balance of water table during the wet and dry seasons of great
river Yamuna and thus ensuring the stability and longevity of the Taj.
Depending on the knowledge and background of the observer the Taj Mahal is a
beauty to different forms.
Brahmam, God or Guru reveals Himself according to awareness of the self within
ourselves. Can every one realize and feel and see the Brahmam, God or Guru
through every creation? The Purushotam or Supreme Being is manifest in every
atom of this beautiful creation. But who will give the knowledge and background
to feel and appreciate the absolute truth? The Brahmam, God or Guru is so kind,
so considerate, that it manifests as SatPurush, the one who leads the self
empowers it with the required thirst and knowledge to seek and realize and
become one with itself, the Brahmam, God or Guru. It is through the manifested SatPurush,
the Guru, the self realizes the Purushotam- the Supreme Being, the Brahmam, God
or Guru.
Hemadpant writes in Shri Sai
Sadguru is the helmsman he is sure to carry us safely and easily beyond the
worldly ocean. The word Sadguru brings to mind Sai Baba, the Perfect Master. He
appears to me, as if standing before me and applying Udi (sacred ashes) to my
forehead and placing his hand of blessings on my head. Then joy fills my heart
and love overflows my eyes. Wonderful is the power of the touch of Guru’s
hands. The subtle body (consisting of
thoughts and desires) which cannot be burnt by the gross fire is destroyed by
the mere touch of the Guru’s hand and the sins of many past births are cleaned
and washed away. Even the speech of those, who feel agitated, when they hear
religious and Godly talks, attain calmness.
The sight of Sai Baba’s handsome form chokes our throat with joy, makes
the eyes overflow with tears and overwhelms the hear with emotions. It awakens
in us “I am He” (Soham) Brahma consciousness manifests the joy of
self-realization and dissolving, the distinction of I and Thou, makes us one
with the Supreme (One Reality). When I begin to read scriptures, at every step
I am reminded of my Sadguru, Sai Baba Who assumes the form of Rama or Krishna
and makes me listen to His Life. For
instance, when I sit to listen to Bhagwat, or Uddav Gita (Song of teachings by
Lord Shri Krishna to His disciple, Uddahv) for the welfare of the
devotees. When I myself start to write
anything, I cannot compose a few words or sentences; but when He of His own
accord makes me write, I go on writing… and there is no end to it.
When the disciple’s egoism props up, He presses it down with His hand
and gives him His own power, makes him achieve His object and thus, satisfies
and blesses him. If anyone prostrates
before Sai and surrenders his heart and soul to Him, then all the chief objects
of life, viz., Dharma (righteousness) Artha (wealth) Kama (Desire) and Moksha
(Deliverance) are easily and attained. Four paths viz., Karma, Dhyan, Yoga and
Bhakthi lead us separately to God. Of these the path of Bhakthi is thorny and
full of pits and ditches and thus, difficult to traverse; but if you, relying
on your Sadguru avoid the pits and thorns and walk straight, it will take you
to your destination (God), so says Sai Baba.
He appeared in Shirdi and inspires from Shirdi, an
unknown village on the Banks of Godavari, millions to appreciate and achieve
Self Realization in the simplest way of absolute devotion. He is Sat Purushaya.
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