Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Day -81. “Om Shri Sai Loka Nathaya Namaha.”

            Shirdi Sai Ashtotramala –Meaning, Meditation and Miracle

                     Day -81. “Om Shri Sai Loka Nathaya Namaha.”


Humble salutation to Him, who rules the entire world (Shirdi Sai Trust).


Flying day and night, flying over the Mongolian deserts, flying over the Himalayas, the Siberian Cranes travel more than 7000 kilometers with some unknown navigational skill  to reach Bharatpur near Delhi to spend their winter, nest and hatch their young ones and take them back to Siberia, every year for thousands of years. The Oliver Ridley Turtles flock for just a couple of days every year from around the world to the coast of Bay of Bengal at Orissa near Bhuvaneshwar. They go upto a kilo meter into the sea shore, dig the sand, lay their eggs close it and go back. The eggs hatch on their own,  the young ones come out, struggle and walk back to the sea as if someone has taught them, start their new lives in and journey of thousands of kilometers in ocean and come back to the same spot after four years to lay their eggs. The cycle goes on.

Once in75 years Hailey’s comet keeps its appointment with the Humans and the Earth without fail for millions of years. The high and low tides, the Solar and Lunar eclipses, the Poornimas and Amavasyas and many many cosmic events happen with perfect rhythm and regularity. There is a great rhythm both in macro and micro levels with many of them yet to be understood by even by the brightest of bright brains or science.  The very functioning of our own brain is yet to be understood.

What causes all these effects? How they happen or function or maintain their rhythm? Who has laid down the rules, frequencies, places, paths, times for all these phenomena to happen?  Many civilizations evolved their own religions in their efforts to find the answer.  Our Rishis through their journey of mind went out and went in and found that it is the Brahmam God or Guru who pervades the creation which rules them and the realized Self realizes and recognizes all of them as its own manifestation.

Hemadpant describes two incidents showing Baba’s control over elements:

“Once at evening time, there was a terrible storm at Shirdi.  The sky was overcast with thick black clouds. Winds began to flow with great force, clouds roared and lightning began to flash and rains started pouring in torrents.  In a short time the whole place was flooded with water.  All creatures, birds, beast s and men got terribly frightened, and they all flocked to the Masjid for shelter.  There are many local deities in Shirdi but none of them came to their rescue.  So, they all prayed to Baba-their God Who was fond of their devotion, to intercede and quell the storm. Baba was much moved.  He came out and standing at the edge of the Masjid, addressed the storm in a loud and thunderous voice, “Stop, stop your fury and be calm”.  In a few minutes the rains subsided, the winds ceased to blow, and the storm came to a stop.  Then, the moon rose in the sky and the people went home, well pleased.

On another occasion, at noon the fire in the Dhuni began to burn brightly, its flames were seen to be reaching the rafters above.  The people who were sitting in the Masjid, did not know, what to do.  They dared not to ask Baba to pour water or do anything to quench the flames.  But Baba soon came to realise what was happening.  He took up His satka (short stick) and dashed it against the pillar in front, saying, “Get down, Be calm”.  At each stroke of the satka, the flames began to slow down, and in a few minutes the Dhuni became calm and normal.”(Shri Sai Satcharita Ch.11)

When it was necessary, He even ordered the Storm and fire to calm down. They obeyed and indeed became calm bowing before Him.   He is Loka Nathaya.

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