Thursday, 20 March 2014

Day-38. Om Shri Sai Paramathmane Namaha.”


        Shirdi Sai Ashtotramala – Meaning, Meditation and Miracle

                     Day-38. Om Shri Sai Paramathmane Namaha.”

Humble salutation to the one who is Supreme Soul (Shirdi Sai Trust).

The force, the entity, the one aspect which gives life to the body is Atman.  Shiv Puranam traces the journey of our Atman taking births from Grass through Plants, Worms, Trees, Birds, Mammal, and Human, Spirits, Giants, Saints, Angels and uniting into Paramatman. The evolution of species as propounded by Darwin is caused by Paramatman. The five cyclic functions of manifestation namely Creation, Maintenance, Destruction, Concealment and Absorption happen because the Paramatman desires to enjoy the experience.

The Natarajar Temple in Chidambaram is dedicated to this phenomenon of the cyclic manifestation of Paramatman in the form of cosmic dance. The word Chidambaram is the fusion of the two words Chit and Ambaram (meaning Mind and Sky respectively). Paramatman shows Himself as Infinite Sky created out of his Mind. How great our philosopher sages who realized this play of Paramatman and symbolically represented it through the cosmic dance of Nataraja!  

The human form of Atman is probably the stage in which the manifestation of Paramatman thinks about merging back into the universal self having experienced the manifestation. Saints have sung about the journey of this Atman from Grass to light and to Paramatman in various births or stages and crave for Moksha which is  liberation from the cycle and merging back without rebirth.

Seven days before Baba passed away a wonderful incident occurred at Shirdi. There came a country- cart and stopped in front of the Masjid. A tiger was on the cart, fastened with iron chains with its agonized face turned to the rear. It was suffering from some painful malady. Its keepers- three Derversis- had been taking it from place to place and making money by exhibiting it. It was the means of their subsistence. They tried all sorts of remedies to cure it from the malady it was suffering from, but all in vain.

Then they heard of Baba’s fame and came to Him with the animal. They got it down with chains in their hands and made it stand at the door. It was naturally fierce besides being disease- ridden. So it was restless. The people began to look at it with fright and amazement. The Derveshis told Baba everything about the animal and with His consent brought it before Him. As it approached the steps it retreated on account of the awe of Baba, and hung its head down. When both saw each other, it got on to the step and looked at Baba with affection.

Immediately, it moved the tuft of its tail and dashed it thrice against the ground, and then fell down senseless. On seeing it dead the Derveshis were much dejected and full of sorrow, but on proper thought they came to terms with it. They considered that as the animal was diseased and nearing its end it was very meritorious on its part that it met its death at the Feet of Baba. It was very debtor and when any creatures bow down their heads at saint’s Feet and meet death, they are liberated.(Shri Sai Satcharita Ch:31)          

He could make even animals surrender their lives at His feet and liberate their Atman. He is Paramatman.

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