Shirdi Sai Ashtotramala – Meaning, Meditation and Miracle
Day-37. “Om
Shri Sai Parameshwaraya Namaha.”
Humble salutation to the one
who is Supreme- Parabrahma- all pervading (Shirdi Sai Trust).
Upanishad says:
”At whose
Behest does the mind think? Who bids the body live? Who makes the tongue speak?
Who is that effulgent Being that directs the eye to form and colour and the ear
to sound?
The Self is
ear of the ear, mind of the mind, speech of the speech. He is also breath of the
breath, and eye of the eye. Having given
up the false identification of the Self with the senses and the mind, and
knowing the Self to be Brahman, the wise, on departing this world, become
Him the eye does not see, nor the tongue express, nor the mind grasp.
Him we neither know nor are able to teach. Different is he from the known and
different is he from the unknown. So have we heard from the wise?
That which cannot be expressed in words but by which the tongue speaks-
know that to be Brahman. Brahman is not the being who is worshiped of men.
That which is not comprehended by the mind but by which the mind
comprehends—know that to be Brahman. Brahman is not the being who is worshipped
of men.
That which is not seen by the eyes but by which the eye sees—know that
to be Brahman. Brahman is not the being who is worshipped of men.
That which is not heard by the ear but by which the ear hears—know that
to be Brahman. Brahman is not the being who is worshipped of men.
That which is not drawn by the breath but by which the breath is
drawn—know that to be Brahman. Brahman is not the being who is worshipped of
If you think that you know well the truth of Brahman, know that you know
little. What you think to be Brahman in the gods- that is not Brahman. What is
indeed the truth of Brahman you must therefore learn?
I cannot say that I know Brahman fully. Nor can I say that I know him
not. He among us knows him best who understands the spirit of the words: “Nor
do I know that I know him not”.
He truly knows Brahman who knows
him as beyond knowledge; he who thinks that he knows, knows not. The ignorant think
that Brahman is known, but the wise know him to be beyond knowledge.
He who realizes the existence of Brahman behind every activity of his
being- whether sensation, perception, or thought- he alone gains immortality.
Through knowledge of Brahman comes power. Through knowledge of Brahman comes
victory over death.
Blessed is the man who while he yet lives realizes him not suffers his
greatest loss. When they depart this life, the wise, who have realized Brahman
as the Self in all beings becomes immortal.” (Translation by: Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester)
Mahajani, suffered once from diarrhoea. In order that, there should be no break
in his services to Baba, Kaka kept a Tambya (pot) with water in one corner of
the Masjid and whenever there was a call, he would go out. As Sai Baba knew everything,
Kaka did not inform Him of his disease, thinking that, Baba would of His own
cure it soon. The work of constructing the pavement in front of the Masjid was
permitted by Baba but when the actual work begun, Baba got wild and shouted out
loudly. Everybody ran away and as Kaka was also doing the same, Baba caught
hold of him and made him sit there. In the confusion that followed, somebody
left a small pouch of groundnuts there. Baba took a handful of groundnuts,
rubbed them in His hands, blew away the skins and gave the clean nuts, and
making Kaka eat them. Scolding and cleaning the nuts and making Kaka eat them,
went on simultaneously. Baba Himself ate some of them. Then, when the nuts were
finished, Baba asked him to fetch water, as He felt thirsty Kaka brought a pitcher
full of water. Then, Baba drank some water and made Kaka also drink it. Baba
declared, “Now, your diarrhoea has stopped and you may attend to the work of
the pavement”. In the meanwhile other people, who had run away, returned and
started the work, and kaka, whose motions had stopped, also joined them. Are
groundnuts medicines for diarrhoea? According to current medical opinion,
groundnuts would aggravate the disease and not cure it. The true medicine, in
this, as in other cases, was Baba’s word.
appeared to use the cures. In fact He
was the cure. He is Parabrahman.
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